Tomorrow I am heading out again for Illinois. Seems like I was just there - probably because I was. This time it is for a graduation instead of a wedding. Not quite as involved, which is good, but the trip will not be any shorter. Not too much to see on the way - lots of fields, fields and did I mention fields...
This will be the last graduation of this generation in my family. All of the grandkids are now "adults". I guess that makes my generation - well, even more adult. I feel bad that mom missed this last one and I know my brother does too. Mom had all of the kids' grad pictures on the wall (they are still on the wall) and one of the first things John mentioned when we were in the house again was that Erik's picture never made it. I am glad that at least all of the parents were around to see their kids graduate.
Sunday, of course, is Mother's Day. I made it through the buying of the card for Dan's mom but will be glad when all of the Hallmark-moment commercials are done. Of course, I can think of being a mother myself, which is a real joy.
Monday is anniversary number twenty-four for Dan and I. We have had good years and bad years, but I am thankful that we have stayed together. I can honestly say Dan is my very best friend and I enjoy all of the time we spend together whether it be getting groceries, going to a concert, watching TV, driving and talking or one of those fun nights at Applebees. I have been blessed with someone who is creative, thoughtful, thought provoking, sincere and still makes my heart beat faster when he comes into a room. Happy Anniversary, dear. I love you.
I hope everyone out there is staying hopeful, keeping the faith and sharing the love.