Dan and I attended another camera workshop tonight, so I had to try a few of the tips that we learned. I'm realizing more and more that there is A LOT I don't know about and will be glad when the weather warms up a bit as I tend to like taking pictures outside a lot more than inside, but...here goes nothing.
This is the hutch that my brother Mark made me to put on top of Dan's childhood dresser. I have my grandmother's china as well as her doll (top she

lf) displayed. For a more detailed few of the china - here is a close-up of the water pitcher. This pattern is probably not something I would have ever chosen, but I like it because it was hers. The story goes, according to my mother, that right after my maternal grandparents were married, my grandma sent my grandpa to an auction to buy her a set of dishes. He came home with this set and she thought it was too pretty to use, so she never really used it too much - more for display purposes. I would imagine they would have been married around 1915 or so. I looked the pattern up and it was made in England by the Johnson Brothers...ju

st in case you were wondering.
Then, I tried my hand at taking a picture of tonight's eclipse, which I hope everyone had a chance to see because it was pretty cool. Of course, it was a little chilly outside, so I had a hard time keeping the camera steady making it appear that there is more than one moon. Guess I need to work on that one!

Then, there is always Bogie, our highly complex dog. I got down on the floor with him and took this one which I think pretty much captures his personality.
It seems as though I have been wanting to blog for awhile, but tonight is not going to be the night for any thoughtful observations. :)
Hope everyone is doing well...