Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Trying to Come Back

I have been thinking about trying to write a little bit again - I have no idea why, but it just seems that a lot of thoughts can be swimming around in one's head and then you that seemingly brilliant thought you had that never seems to return again.

We have a lot of stuff going on in our lives right now and maybe recording some of them would be of great benefit later or would at least be interesting to go back and look at. Probably one of the bigger "events" we have ever participated in as a family will be happening in a very short while. Carrie Jade Horwedel will be starting a new life with Drew in less than six weeks. It is amazing to me as a parent how this could be happening as it seems not that long ago that she was heading off to school with a bright pink lunchbox. The old cliche is so true - time flies. I suppose as her mother, there will be some tears shed - but not sad tears at all, just happy ones. I am so excited for her and for Drew and for the adventure they will be starting. I suppose I will worry some days about how they are doing, are they happy, are things turning out as they had hoped. However, I will do my best to trust them into His hands and know that they can get through those bad days and celebrate each good one. All I will say about this right now - emotions are pretty close to the surface. :)

Dan and I are taking dance lessons and are having a great time. Who would have thought? Not only is it fun, but it is at least one night a week where the concerns on my mind seem to melt away to somewhere else. I hope Dan gets that same benefit even though I let my feet get in the way sometimes.

Then there is work....not going there today.

Church seems to be going well. Our Sunday School Class has begun the NOOMA video series and have had some really good discussions. The topics aren't light - which I think is good. Most of the people there have had some sort of church exposure for quite awhile and I'm glad we seem to be going a little deeper and people seem to be sharing a little more. We are also still doing the Charis House suppers one evening a month, and that has turned out to be a good thing as well. I just wish I could do more - but see comment above and we'll move on...

Still going to school but am seeing a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel. Six more classes to go and I will be DONE! The class I am currently in is giving me some fits - mostly because I cannot concentrate on any of it and pretty much don't care right now. I know my next teacher as I have had her for a couple of classes and liked both of them really well. I have pretty much resigned myself to the fact that my "A" streak is about to come to a close and I need to just get over it and move on the next one. Such is life.

Well, it is time to go back to work as much lunch break is over and the tomato soup is gone. Maybe now that I have actually sat down and given this a little bit of a new look I can get back in gear.

Reminder to self: Write about the MC concert.

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