Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Gettin' on the Roller Coaster

I have a feeling that the next few weeks are going to be somewhat of a roller coaster ride of crazy emotions. Maybe this always happens when a milestone is reached in one's life. For my husband and me, the empty nest is just around the corner. Last night we went to an English Banquet - who knew there were English Banquets - where the seniors were honored and were each asked to read something that they had writtten. Strangely enough, it was really quite a good experience. Our son's best friend, Graham, read an incredibly witty, funny and insightful short story he had written. I realized how fortunate we were that our son has had such a good friend, along with Aaron and others along the way.

Shortly thereafter, our son got up and read a poem he had written, which, although I am unashamedly biased, was great. It of course brought tears to my eyes as I realized how blessed we are to have a great son who is also witty, funny and insightful. Not to mention we also have a great, beautiful and creative daughter who will always challenge and inspire us to know where we stand and to listen before we speak. All of this thought during a poem.

I also realized how blessed I am to have a wonderful husband (23 years on 5/14) sitting behind me and knowing that he was also probably thinking some of the same thoughts that I was. It is at those moments that I want to be very aware of all that is surrounding me so that I can recall this memory in time at some later time in my life when I'm wondering if we're all doing okay.

I know the next few weeks will bring much joy, reflection, sadness, anticipation, stress and relief. It should all be very interesting. It is really pretty cool how God has orchestrated life to prepare us for the departure of our kids. It is a gradual thing, even though at the moment it doesn't seem like it. I only hope and pray that we have given them some direction along the way so they can start out on their own paths finding their way in this world. I am very anxious to see where they go and am excited for them at the possibilities that await them.

Thank you God for sharing Dan, Carrie and Isaac with me.

Keep the hope radical -

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