Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Times They Are A Changin'

This weekend we took Isaac to Anderson University and he has officially signed up for classes. There are a lot of things a person feels when they do this with a child. In a way I feel like part of our lives are finishing up. The sun is setting. But as Dan and I sat there listening to all the talks and info, etc., I realized that we are in a good place. Our kids, although not quite perfect, have been such an incredible blessing to our lives. I don't ever remember having the types of conversations with my parents that we have gotten to have with Carrie and Isaac. I know there are plenty of people out there in the world, for whatever reason, that have never had nor ever will have the chance to make cool memories with their kids. Thanks God, Dan and I are in a good place and I am so happy that you put us here.

Dan is not preaching tomorrow as Scott, our chairman of the board and good friend, is going to share a message for the first time. I hope everything goes okay for him. He and his family are pretty awesome.

Time to call it a day.

Christ's peace & Radical Hope -

Friday, April 21, 2006

Life Is Good - God Is Good

Dan went to the doctor and everything is going to be okay. Life is good - God is Good. Of course, as I was thinking this, God is good always - even in the times where it doesn't seem like everything is going to be okay, but that is one of those things it is hard for me to grasp. So for today, I don't think I will try and understand that - I will just be happy that Dan is going to be okay.

The electricty was connected yesterday at the pavilion that was built at our church. It was good to see a little progress again. Things usually don't move along as quickly as it would appear that they could, but maybe patience is something that doesn't come easy, but is good when it comes.

This evening we will be heading to Anderson so Isaac can sign up for classes, take his placement exams and just basically hang out and get a feel for the place. I hope he comes away from there thinking that things will be okay.

Today is a work day for me in the pizza making world. There are already three big orders there waiting, which would be okay if that was the bulk of it for today, but most of the time that doesn't happen. I hope I am never as uptight about food as some people can be. I will probably regret writing this, but I have been fortunate enough to not have anyone call and complain about their food in quite some time. I hate those phone calls because people seem to lose all perspective when it comes to their food. Maybe it is just because something else in their life is going bad and they can't do anything about that so they will demand restitution in regard to their pizza and its toppings and crust. That is what I should tell myself next time someone acts as though their life really is ruined because of pizza.

Time to go. I hope everyone else has a good day today.

Love Jesus and Do What You Want-

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

What's It All About

What is life all about? Right now I feel like I have more questions than answers. I wonder why a little boy whose parents are on the mission field trying to do some good in the world had a freak accident and was killed. I wonder why a little one year old girl at our church has cystic fibrosis and now has a somewhat life-threatening infection. I wonder why my husband has an infection that won't go away and I think right now I'm a little scared about that. Then I wonder why so many people seem to be so concerned about other things that just really don't seem to matter much.

I think I am probably one of the worst bloggers that has attempted blogging. I guess I need to take more time and sit down and write things out. Maybe this would be a good way to have some good conversations with God and let Him know that I'm down here wondering about some things. I don't really think I'm questioning Him so much as far as He is God and all, but sometimes I just don't get the plan. Maybe I'm not supposed to. Maybe the plan is more of a work in progress that changes and grows and dies and exists in ways that I can't comprehend. Maybe that's why we aren't supposed to worry about our tomorrows but just live each moment as it is given to us. I just don't want to waste moments. I look at our kids and wonder how they got to be adults. They are great adults in spite of me, but I don't want to miss the moments. I think of Dan and I celebrating 23 years of marriage and don't want to miss our moments. Being in love with someone is truly a gift. Having kids who are healthy and bright and full of potential is a gift. I guess those are things I should also wonder about. Why do I have those gifts? Why does God bless us in the ways that He does?

I guess life is a mystery and maybe that shouldn't be a scarey thing but a good thing. Why would I want to know the whole "plan". That would probably make me miss the moments as they happen.

It is tea time and hot chocolate time at our house. This is one of my favorite moments. (I keep on using that word - I hope it means what I think it means. )

Love Jesus and Do What You Want -