Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I am reading a book entitled It's Not My Fault but I think it is mostly about the choices we make in our life. Sometimes I think we feel that we have no choices - that our lives are somehow controlled by factors outside of ourselves, but in most cases, when you get right down to the heart of the matter - we do have a choice.

I can choose whether or not to eat the candy bar or the granola bar. I can decide what really needs to be done today and what could wait until tomorrow. I can say "yes" or I can say "no". I can lay on the couch or I can walk on the treadmill. I can make decisions or I can be passive. I can care or I can not care. The list could go on forever, but I will choose to stop it now.

Now don't get me wrong, I believe some things that we can agonize over probably really don't matter - like what kind of candy - I mean granola - bar to eat. But there are some things that really do matter in this life. There are things that we really should care about - our faith, our family, our environment, social justice, others, just to name a few. Yet, it would seem that so many of us just go through life, not thinking about what is going on around us. Not seeing that there is a hurting world that needs us to care about them the way Christ did. When will it all stop - and how? What will help us to make the choice to make the difference? ? ? Okay, some questions don't have simple answers, but could we all at least start asking the questions.

Enough for now...


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