Friday, April 20, 2007

Remember the List....

This morning I took a moment to look back at "the list". You know, that list from the beginning of the New Year. One of my goals was to remember the list, so at least I have done that! We also got a grill, knowing how to use it has still eluded me a bit, but the season is just beginning and I still have hope for that. Dan and I have been able to hang out a little more together and have taken in some cool, small-scale concerts at C2G. So...I still have a long way to go. Hopefully the weather will start to improve and with that my motivational level.

Today the kids and I are heading to Illinois to meet up with Dan for the wedding. Hopefully all will go well, but it will be good to have us all in one place again. Bogie was so happy that Isaac came home some time during the night, that he finally ended his hunger strike. He even ate again this morning and when he realizes he is getting in the car with us it may be more happiness than the poor little thing can take.

Speaking of Bogie - I almost became his twin last night. How you ask? It all started on Wednesday evening when I decided to add a few highlights to my hair. The amount was fine- but the color was somewhat orange and I really didn't like it too much. So, I decided to try some stuff I found at Walmart that was to remove artificial color from your hair so that you could recolor it. Perfect. Well, after I put the color remover on and rinsed it out - my hair was exactly the color of our dog. I will call it pumpkin. Not a good look although the family would have had something to talk about at the reception. So, I put the new color on and although it is at least a natural hair color, it isn't exactly what I was going for. This however will stay as I think one of these things burned right through to my brain.

Maybe this trip back to Buda will help with the restless feeling I have had. It has been one of those times when some things just don't seem to be quite as they should be. I was thinking about this time last year when we were into the full swing of Isaac's graduation plans. There have sure been an awful lot of big events in a year's time in our lives - some good, some bad. Maybe things just haven't quite gotten back into the correct flow for me yet and I guess that is okay - just a bit unsettling at times. But, the suitcase needs to be closed, the car packed and the adventure began.

Peace and hope to all of you -

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