Dan and I had a nice trip to Champaign with another couple from our church. We enjoyed the visit in the car and the conference was good. One of the things I took away from it was not just wanting to be a "good church member". You know, I show up on Sunday, I give money, I do some work, etc. I want to be a good disciple. Someone who is trying to capture and live the heart and vision of Christ. I also don't want to look at church with a consumer mindset. I think too many times today we have the attitude that if something isn't givig us what we want - we can find someplace that will. I think Christ was definitely a giver - not a taker. I don't want to be a taker. Don't get me wrong, I think we need to receive things from the church and from our fellow Christians, but there is something very different in receiving and in taking. Mainly, I think, selfishness. I also walked away wanting to expand my worldview more. I think I have started down this road, but this would be a road that never ends.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Heading Out
Dan and I are heading out of town for a night. I think the change of scenery will be nice. Then, in less than two weeks - it is California, here were come. I am really looking forward to this trip. It seems like I have been off of work quite a bit in the last couple of months - but none of the "vacations" have been much of that. Two weeks off when my mom had her heartache and then passed away. Then a week off at Christmas, most of which was spent cleaning out her house. I am ready for one of those vacation-type vacations. You know, where you actually get to spend time relaxing and just "hanging out". True, we will be attending a conference in California, but I'm hoping it will be pretty low-key and positive. Listening to a few ocean waves and taking a walk along the beach with my husband and best friend type stuff.
I can't remember if I had it on my "New Years List" or not, but I would really like to find a new job this year. The thing of it is, I don't want to just take a job to get out of the job I have. I have a feeling I would just be feeling the same way. I want to really start praying about it and thinking about it so that if something comes up, it will actually seem right - not just different. Anyway, just making a note to myself.
I have started reading the book of Acts. I came to the conclusion that if this is the book that describes the birth of the church and how it all began, it would be a good book to take another look at, and probably another and another. I think it is very telling about this thing called Christianity that something written 2000 years ago can still seem so awe-inspiring and overwhelming. I sometimes wonder if the authors of the Bible had any idea of the impact their words would still be having today. I mean, I can't imagine that a letter I had written would be the basis for so man y people's life choices. It's crazy - which is what makes it so much about faith. It's what makes me believe that when something is right, it proves itself to be true and relevant throughout time.
Here's to a faith where being radical is good.
I can't remember if I had it on my "New Years List" or not, but I would really like to find a new job this year. The thing of it is, I don't want to just take a job to get out of the job I have. I have a feeling I would just be feeling the same way. I want to really start praying about it and thinking about it so that if something comes up, it will actually seem right - not just different. Anyway, just making a note to myself.
I have started reading the book of Acts. I came to the conclusion that if this is the book that describes the birth of the church and how it all began, it would be a good book to take another look at, and probably another and another. I think it is very telling about this thing called Christianity that something written 2000 years ago can still seem so awe-inspiring and overwhelming. I sometimes wonder if the authors of the Bible had any idea of the impact their words would still be having today. I mean, I can't imagine that a letter I had written would be the basis for so man y people's life choices. It's crazy - which is what makes it so much about faith. It's what makes me believe that when something is right, it proves itself to be true and relevant throughout time.
Here's to a faith where being radical is good.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Random Thoughts
Today my daughter stopped by work and I happened to ask her if there was anything she might want from my mom's house before it got sent to an auction house or some sort of sale. She named off a few pieces of furniture and said that she would like to have them if no one else in the family wanted them because she didn't want a stranger to buy them and have them. I had not really thought about the "stuff" at mom's in awhile, but suddenly realized that it would kind of bother me knowing that someone was using the chair we read stories in or using her and dad's bedroom set or sitting at our kitchen table. I momentarily tried convincing myself that some other family might be able to enjoy them like we did, but it didn't seem to last very long before I got really sad and told Dan that I really didn't want anyone else using their stuff. Now, realizing that we can't have a house full of stuff, I'm not really sure what to do about it. So, I guess that will be something to think about.
Someone I work with is getting a divorce. It all came on very suddenly for her and I feel quite bad about the whole thing. It is very interesting to me, however, how freely some people will give advice. When she asks my opinion, I'm almost afraid to say anything. I don't know her very well on a personal level and don't know her husband at all. My only great words of wisdom were not to rush in to anything and to keep in mind that they would both probably be saying a lot of exaggerated things that they don't really mean. (My mom always told me that no one really knows what goes on behind closed doors, so I decided it wasn't a real good idea to give advice to someone when I was only hearing one side of a story that probably has several.) So, I guess I will try to listen and be encouraging but not make any drastic suggestions like I'm hearing so many people make.
Today I haven't felt the best and have basically been laying on the couch since arriving home from work. That wasn't really my plan for today, but Dan tells me we don't always get to make the plan. So, I guess I will go with it and have this be my big accomplishment for the day.
On a muscial note, I bought I CD last night by Norah Jones. I have only listened to it once and am not exactly sure how to describe, but I think I like it pretty well.
On that random thought, I will say goodbye...
Someone I work with is getting a divorce. It all came on very suddenly for her and I feel quite bad about the whole thing. It is very interesting to me, however, how freely some people will give advice. When she asks my opinion, I'm almost afraid to say anything. I don't know her very well on a personal level and don't know her husband at all. My only great words of wisdom were not to rush in to anything and to keep in mind that they would both probably be saying a lot of exaggerated things that they don't really mean. (My mom always told me that no one really knows what goes on behind closed doors, so I decided it wasn't a real good idea to give advice to someone when I was only hearing one side of a story that probably has several.) So, I guess I will try to listen and be encouraging but not make any drastic suggestions like I'm hearing so many people make.
Today I haven't felt the best and have basically been laying on the couch since arriving home from work. That wasn't really my plan for today, but Dan tells me we don't always get to make the plan. So, I guess I will go with it and have this be my big accomplishment for the day.
On a muscial note, I bought I CD last night by Norah Jones. I have only listened to it once and am not exactly sure how to describe, but I think I like it pretty well.
On that random thought, I will say goodbye...
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Freedom, Peace & Hope

Today I received the bags I ordered from Better Way Imports. I have to say, they are pretty cool. It was pretty humbling to take them out of the box and realize the journey that someone had been on that brought it into existence. This was the tag on the bag:
This Freeset Bag tells a story of one women's journey to freedom. She used to stand with 6000 other prostitutes in a small but well known area of North Calcutta. She didn't choose her profession; it chose her. Poverty does that. It robs people of their dignity and children of their innocence. She still lives in the same area, but instead of selling her body she makes Freeset Bags. Now she has choices, the choice to work decent hours for decent pay, to re-establish her dignity in her community and to learn to read and write. Now her daughter won't have to stand in the street selling her body like her mum used to. Freedom has been passed on to the next generation. By purchasing this Freeset Bag, you have become part of the story of freedom. Thank you!
It really kind of choked me up. It is hard to imagine that sewing bags for people could change your life this much. I only hope that these women can now go to bed with a peace in their heart and a hope for the future now that they are free from this life of basic slavery. Slavery to their circumstance and to those who will use it to their own advantage.
I also ordered the documentary about their organization. I'll let you know how it is...
I wish for all of you the freedom, peace and hope that Christ can bring. I hope that all of us who claim His Name will be his agent for those in need.
Monday, January 08, 2007
A Better Way
I was reading an article - actually the cover story article - in Christianity Today about the problem of women being forced into prostitution in countries around the world. They estimate that over 6000 young women and girls are on the streets in Calcutta alone each day. The article estimated the daily revenue generated from these women was $4.1 million - most of which does not go into their pocket. Many of them are sold by their parents when they are basically children, some as young as 3, because they cannot feed them. Others are actually encouraged by their parents to sell themselves and then give the money to the family to help put a meal on the table. Somehow sitting in our nice warm home in Yoder makes this story quite distant, yet it has come to my attention through many people in my life, that these types of problems should be our concern as Christians. Dan and I have a beautiful daughter. I cannot even fathom her being forced into these types of actions or feeling as though it is her only means of survival. Many different agencies have begun to take action, not only to get these women help in the - be it most important - spiritual and emotional sense, but also to teach them other means of supporting themselves. One such group that caught my eye is called Freeset. They have taught women to make handbags with natural products that are readily available to them. They are now earning a wage of $52 a month plus benefits. I realize that seems more than meager to us in the US, but it is more than they could make anywhere else in that area. I actually purchased something off of their website at www.betterwayimports.com. I think the bags were actually pretty cool and unique looking and thought it would at one little thing I could do. How many times do we buy these types of things for ourselves or as gifts. Why not buy one that would have a story of hope and redemption and one that is helping to give a young woman the chance to know someone out there cares. I hope to be more conscious of these issues this year and more willing to research things a little more and shop a little wiser. So...if anyone out there is looking for a bag or a really unique gift bag - check it out and help out.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Day 6
It is now the 6th day of a new year and I'm beginning to think maybe this year, I have a few things I would like to accomplish. As I have said before, I'm not overly goal-specific oriented, but more attitude oriented. However, maybe one should rethink themselves from time to time and make adjustments where necessary. That being said, here are a few things I am actually putting in writing so that I will have something to go back and look at next year to see if this was a good idea after all. In no particular order of importance - here goes nothing: 1. I want to spend more time just hanging out with Dan and the kids. Maybe just go to a park or drive to Huntington or to Anderson for no particular reason. 2. I would like to take a class of some sort. It doesn't have to be a college class, but just a class for some self-enhancement. I would consider a photography class or even some sort of unique cooking class. 3. I would like to have people over to our home more. I actually do enjoy cooking a meal for people - it some how makes me feel creative. Sometimes I feel like our house is too small or that no one really wants to come over, but maybe I need to push through those thoughts and see what happens. 4. Although this is probably somewhat typical, I would like to bring a little more organization into our home, thus making item number 2 a bit more feasible. 5. I would like to exercise. Not necessarily to get into a smaller size - although if that happens... - but to feel better. To feel like I have some energy and so that someday, I can run around after grandkids if that happens to be a part of this life. 6. I want to go to an art museum. 7. I hope Dan and I can go to a "cool" concert somewhere this year. 8. I want to spend a bit more time reading and less time with the TV on. 9. I want to remember this list. 10. I want to get a grill and know how to use it. 11. I want to appreciate my husband and chilren more and make a conscious effort to let them know that. 12. I want to send people notes/cards more often. 13. I want to feel like I'm making a difference. Okay - I think that is more than enough for a list.
So there it is. I hope that along with wanting a more Christ-like attitude, I can do something about it.
Until next time -
So there it is. I hope that along with wanting a more Christ-like attitude, I can do something about it.
Until next time -
Monday, January 01, 2007
A New Year

We are back home after a visit in Illinois. It was an interesting week with many ups and downs. Most of the week was spent going through the "stuff" at my mom's house. It seems strange to me that I actually spent so many years living in that house. Somehow it was hard to remember that being home. My old room is now the storage room and is filled with our stuff and my brother's stuff because we have too much stuff and not enough room. It doesn't seem like anyone's home so much anymore - just a place to sort through years of someone's life, sorting it into logical places where we can all decide if there is anything worth selling, keeping or just throwing it away. It all seemed quite clinical at times and it was just plain hard. I was so thankful that Dan was there and did so much work and gave me time to look at the little things I would find. It helped to see what was there one last time.
It's funny how you come across things and wonder why someone saved it. I wondered why something was important and just smiled at some things. I learned that although my mom never showed a lot of outward emotion - I think she was pretty sentimental at heart. She always teased my dad that he spent more on the big heart box than on the Valentine candy. But...in the back of her closet, were the heart boxes. I couldn't bear to throw them away anymore than she could. In her kitchen cupboards were many thank you notes she had received from her grandchildren. And yes, I can picture my mom on those quiet nights alone in the big house, getting them out and reading through them. Those were her little treasures.
Looking back over mom's life, there weren't any huge accomplishments by the standards of today's society. However, I would say she died with few regrets. There were things about her that drove me crazy - but I can only imagine how many things about me drive others crazy. I miss her letters. I hated seeing her spot in church empty. But, hopefully I can learn to be a litte more tolerant, see the good in people, enjoy the simple things in life and like her, realize that when you leave this earth - nothing goes with you but people will definitely remember what you left behind. Thanks mom - you did good.
It is hard to believe that another year has ended. Here it is 2007 - it seems like just yesterday that so much was being made over the computer crash that was sure to come at the end of 1999. I am not an overly goal-oriented person - not one to make lists or resolutions, so I don't have any great, specific declarations to make for this year. However, I hope overall to be the following: more like Christ; more loving to my husband whom I adore and to my children who are treasures; a better friend; more positive; more active in the world around me.
So, with that, the year begins...
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